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EBSCO E-books

More than 27,000 eBooks are available for browsing, searching, and virtual check-out. TexShare's eBook collection includes titles from the world's leading business, technology, trade, reference, academic, and scholarly publishers. Search by title, author, keyword, publisher, publication date, or ISBN number. EBSCO eBooks have recently been added with the following topics:  nutrition, neuroscience, strength and human performance, and public health. 


Proquest Science & Technology E-books

The Science and Technology Ebook Subscription offers more than 28,000 carefully curated ebooks spanning coverage in all science and technology topics with exceptional strength in computers and IT, engineering, life and physical sciences, and math. It is designed to facilitate the research workflow and outcomes for your library and its users. The Subscription includes renowned publishers such as Wiley, Island Press, World Scientific Press, University of North Carolina Press, Elsevier Science, Rutgers University Press, and Temple University Press. This subscription is available through the TexShare program.